Thursday, October 13, 2011

Random Rants

These rants are completely random and not in any order.....

I dislike you New Facebook.  I'm sure I'll get used to you eventually but right now we aren't cool.

If you are a patient of ours and you get between 7-15 different prescriptions every month (or every 3 months as the case may be) please don't stand at the counter, open your (large) bag of rx's and analyze each and every bottle like it's the Declaration of Independence.  This upsets us, and more then likely if there's a mistake it's because you are anal and/or don't know how to order prescriptions properly.

Anytime Mother Nature wants to pick a lane I'll certainly give her the right away.

Watching the Bears play this past Monday night was the equivalent of having someone stand in front of you and constantly jam a screwdriver into your eye.  And having heartburn at the same time.  Seriously.

My lovely wife has to go back to TN this coming Monday; this time for 2 weeks.  This is total hot garbage but on the plus side for her, she'll be able to get to a Waffle House this time which makes me insanely jealous.

I really hate having to go to our local grocery store.  At any time of day there are only 1-3 cashiers open at a time, and it's usually only 1 or 2.  This causes problems considering it's a fairly busy store and at times the checkout lines resemble going to a Costco on a Sunday.  Oh and also, one of those cashiers talks to herself.  So that's always nice.

Theo Epstein becoming the new GM of the Cubs makes me happy for a couple reasons.  One, it's a good move for the Cubs and two, it hurts the Stupid Boston Red Sux (SBRS) which in turns helps the Yankees.  Not that I think the Cubs will be going anywhere anytime soon but it's a start.

Whatever happened to those LiveStrong yellow bracelets?  I bet Lance still wears his.....

Being 32 doesn't feel much different than 31.  And that's ok, 31 was the best year ever.

Is it wrong that I really enjoyed Fast Five?  The best movie in the series since the first one 10 years ago.  Lots of action as usual, but the story this time around wasn't too horrible.  Of course, if you've seen my movie collection you'd know that I don't have the highest of standards for movies as long as I'm entertained.

Pulling hard for the Brew Crew tonight in a must-win Game 4.


  1. I feel strongly that there's nothing wrong with enjoying trash movies, as long as you don't go around trying to tell people that Vin Diesel should win an oscar.

  2. Thank you.....and no he doesn't deserve any kind of award for his acting however I have enjoyed several movies that he's been in
