Thursday, July 7, 2011


At the risk of sounding foolish or just plain dumb, I'll be honest.....I don't get Twitter.

I have a Twitter account (JimMcKinney79 for those who are interested) but I don't really get it.

I follow a lot of people, nearly all of these people I will never meet.  Mainly because they are celebrities/athletes/various people in sports.

I have a few people on there that are friends, but as far as interactions are concerned, they are few and far between.  This includes my mother, who if I need to get a hold of her I have other ways of doing so.

Basically I have no reason for having a Twitter account.

Does anyone else have a Twitter account?  I'll follow you I promise!  Maybe I'll come around on the whole Twitter phenomenon.......

But be warned, I like Facebook a hell of a lot better.


  1. I have a Twitter account. I've never twittered with it, nor do I get the appeal. I can't imagine anyone really wants every random thought that diarrheas out of my mind.

  2. That's kind of how I feel, I tweeted random sports stuff but I doubt anyone listened nor cared.....oh well

  3. I'm KAOTweet. I try to be as amusing as possible but I think my attempts so far have fallen flat. One of my favourite artists is following me back (!) on Twitter which puts a huge amount of pressure on me to be smart and adorable.

    I was hoping Twitter would just kind of go away, but it's not so we may as well figure out how to use it.
