So, the holidays are upon us
That's fantastic.......unless you work in retail.
I currently work in a pharmacy.......but I've been in worse situations......
Several years ago I worked for a company that you'd all know, their logo is a giant yellow price tag. That was by far the worst work experience of my life. And not just because of Black Friday.
I worked in the "media" department" meaning I was in the section with the CD's, DVD's and videogames.
Pretty much up my alley as far as knowledge goes.....
I was getting along ok for the first few months, these were items I was used to so selling wasn't really an issue. Carrying around a stupid binder (with selling techniques etc) and a "disc cleaner" was absolutely ridiculous as were the daily "chalk talks" if you worked in the morning. Basically they'd gather everyone in the store and either; a) show a video of proper sales techniques, b) promote the latest sales ad, c) show a video from our store of someone executing the proper sales techniques (I was so honored) or d) force everyone to do some sort of "team building" type of exercise that would make sophomore speech class look like easy street.
I'm not bitter. Really.
Well maybe a little bit.
Anyway, I worked a 12-12 shift at said retailer on a Black Friday and let me just tell you this, if you haven't seen or dreamed about the depths of hell then I'd love to give you a complete rundown of that day.
I had a customer ask which kind of Justin Timberlake TV they should buy.
I had a (drunk) customer ask what videogame I would recommend for him, because (as he put it) "I've been an awful father because of my cheating ways and I want to make it up to my son" He smelled like Jack Daniels. Awesome.
(BTW, I recommended a first-person shooter game.....just saying)
I had a customer argue with with me about why a PS2 game wouldn't work for an XBOX system.....that was fun.
There's more, but honestly if I re-hash it any more I will get upset.
And it's the holidays.
So I won't.
Did you get you flu shot yet?